Private Tutor Directory™ is a Network for Lifelong Learners & Teachers™ designed to connect Students (Pre-K through Adult) with local Tutors in academics, athletics, health & fitness, languages, music, technology, testing, visual arts and more.

Amy and I met in Westchester County, NY in 1992, and we were married seven years later in Sunset Beach, NC. We were blessed with our daughter in 2002 and our son in 2005.
Amy is originally from central Ohio, and I was raised in upstate New York. I came to Westchester to pursue a Master's Degree in Education and a Professional Diploma in School District Administration & Supervision at Fordham University. Amy and I met during my first year of teaching. At that time, Amy was working on her Master's Degree in Education at the College of New Rochelle. Currently, Amy and I have a combined thirty-four years of public teaching experience at the elementary and intermediate levels. We enjoy living, working and raising our children in Westchester County, NY.
Dave and Amy founded Private Tutor HQ™ as the Headquarters for Lifelong Learners & Teachers™ in stages with the single goal of Helping People Help People™ through Private Tutor Directory, Lab, and Foundation. They incorporated Private Tutor Directory, LLC in 2004. PTDLLC™ is comprised of Private Tutor Directory … A Network for Lifelong Learners & Teachers™ and Private Tutor Lab … Connecting Lifelong Learners & Teachers™. Dave ands Amy incorporated Private Tutor Foundation, Inc. in 2010. PTFINC™ is Funding Lifelong Learners & Teachers™ throughout the United States at Private Tutor Foundation as an IRS Registered 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit Public Charity.
Private Tutor HQ™ is family owned & operated, and it's based in White Plains, NY. Dave and Amy truly appreciate your support with their efforts to establish Private Tutor HQ™ as a trusted resource in your community.
Dave is the CEO of Private Tutor HQ™ (PTDLLC & PTFINC). Feel free to connect with him here.