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Set up goals and expectations
December 30, 2009 by Joanne Massi  | 

Many times I find myself called in at the last moment with just a few days (maybe a week or two if lucky) to assist a student before a major exam.  Though my experiences with curriculum and testing allow me to be quite successful, I also take  the time before sitting down with a student to discuss what goals, outcomes and expectations both the student and the parent(s) have.  I clearly develop a plan to address the needs of the student and meet the goals that they set out.  This is also the time to discuss if any expectations cannot be met (student who has failed most of the year will rarely achieve a 90+ on a state or standardized examination).  Never guarantee anything that you are not 100% sure you can do. 

By outlining what I will do to address the needs of the student allows parents to see that I am working hard on my end to give their student the best chances for the best academic performance.  I always state, "I cannot guarentee that your student will get a certain grade or make a certain score, but I will use all the time I have with him/her to fill in any gaps or missing pieces they have and give them the tools they need to be successful".  In the end, as a teacher, tutor or concerned parent, the one that actually takes the test is the student.

As my old principal once said "plan your work and work your plan".  Keeps everything moving on track and keeps everyone in tune to the task at hand.